Tokageroh was once a thief that took up residence in an abandoned bowling alley Ryu's gang was inhabiting as their best place. Initially, Tokageroh possessed Ryu to take his revenge on Amidamaru. Later, after some training with Yoh's father, Mikihisa, Ryu learns to be a shaman and takes Tokageroh as his spirit.

The X-Laws consist of (clockwise) Marco, Denbat, Lyserg, Venstar, Cebin, Porf, Meene, & Larch. They are the loyal followers of Jeanne-sama in her quest to rid the world of evil - Hao and his minions. There are no grey areas with the X-Laws. You are either on their side, believing fully in Jeanne-sama, or their enemy.

X-Laws Spirits
Lyserg's Angel = Zerual, Marco's = Michael, Jeanne-sama's = Shamash, Meene's = Gabriel, Venstar's = Metatron, Cebin's = Remiel, Denbat's = Raphael, Larch's = Uriel, and Porf's = Sariel

Yoh Asakura
Yoh is a Shaman, whose main spirit is the great samurai, Amidamaru. Yoh is also the kind of guy who likes to take it easy. Some might call that lazy. He'd much rather take a nap or watch nature than train. Fortunately for him, his fiancee, Anna, has come to make sure he trains hard and becomes the Shaman King.

Yohmei Asakura
Yoh's Grandpa, and the one responsible for Yoh's training up until now. He was the one to set up Yoh's engagement to Anna, and he is the one Yoh turns to when he needs help training.

Zenki (red) and Kouki (blue)
Anna's shikigamis were once Hao's shikigamis that were sealed away in his book containing of all the Onmyou teachings (Chou Senji Ryakettsu). Anna defeats them so she can take the book to Yoh. Later, she uses them at opportune times to her advantage. As Anna isn't a shaman, they don't possess her.
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